
Why Natural Handmade Products

Did you know that 60% of what we put on our skin is absorbed and that 80-100% of what we put on our underarm and genital is absorbed by our body?

Now go ahead and check the ingredients in the products you have been using all this time. What you see in that list is what you have been feeding your skin and the most common beauty product that we use is soap. 

Let's take a look at some of the ingredients in commercial or store bought soaps:

Commercial Soap :

Commercial Facial Soap :

Look at the ingredients in the commercial soaps, does your head spin trying to figure out what many of those terms refer to and how to pronounce them ? That's because many of them are chemicals added to the products to cut down cost, to make promises, to satisfy your sense of smell, to give you what seemed to be quick results........while in the long run they are actually damaging to the skin and may contribute to the deterioration of your overall health. 

BHT or Butylated Hydroxytoluene, for example, is considered toxic, read up here EWG : 

You can read up on some other harmful chemicals in this site MindBodyGreen :

The sad thing is some manufacturers don't put them in their ingredients list. Talk about honesty these days.

Now this is a sample of the ingredients in Natural Handmade Soap :

Natural handmade soaps are made in the old traditional way and consist of skinloving oils and other natural additives to ensure they take good care of your skin and give it the nutrition it deserves. The natural occuring glycerin from the process of saponification means your skin will be kept moist naturally without having to add additional chemicals to fool you into thinking your skin is moist. 

Take mineral oil for example, or usually called parrafin wax/oil or petrolatum. Mineral oil is really petroleum which is quite cheap. Mineral oil coats the skin making you think your skin is moist, in fact this plasticizing mineral oil clog the skin pores and may interfere with your skin's ability to sweat, eliminate toxin which can lead to skin problems like acne. So, mineral oil makes the skin nice to the touch and the cost is cheap......but remember the harmful effects it holds. I'm even saying goodbye to baby oils. There are many sources about mineral oil, one of them is here OilsofYouth.

Another thing about commercial soap is they would take some of the glycerin out and use it to make lotions and other products. That is why if you only use commercial soap time after time without using lotion you would feel that your skin will become dry

Enough said I think, I'm just one very concerned mother who wants the best for my family. So what is your choice?

Being healthy is not just about what we put IN the body, but also what we put ON the body.

I wish you good health and happiness always.

Lots of love from Bandung,

Mama Ziky

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